
Monday, March 5, 2007

Top 10 signs you may not work for a real company

My work friend and I have spent the last year trying to figure out what's wrong with the company we work for. In every conversation we make reference to how different it would be in a "real" company.

Here are the top ten signs that you may not be working for a real company either.

10. You've heard people discuss leadership and vision like children killed in a tragic fire.

9. You've had three or more bosses in a one-year period and at least one of them was fired.

8. You've watched people get made-up titles for positions that have no job description and that no one held before them.

7. When people leave, no one is ever hired to replace them.

6. More time is spent celebrating birthdays, attending HR training and being updated on new policy (all of which are mandatory) than doing"work".

5. There are no performance criteria to be measured against at your annual review. If you're a "real" person working at this fake company, most of your discussion will revolve around how you can better play with others.

4. The CEO is someone who is rarely seen or heard from. During the annual presentation of how well the company is doing, he makes more references to powerful people that are his friends than to any of the employees.

3. The company has no tracking in place to optimize their efforts. Questions about budgets and profits are met with horrified looks.

2. You're the only one surprised that there are entire departments consisting of one person.

1. Everyone is always asking "Whose job is it to..."?

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