
Sunday, March 11, 2007

Money is so gauche

In addition to not being smart enough to hire me, the VP that interviewed me for the position at the company "doing something I was really excited about" was offended by the fact that I took the other position "because they offered more money." How GAUCHE to consider money when looking for a job! Apparently his comment that "we're doing something noble here" should preclude me from even thinking about this job in the same terms as every other job - challenge, enjoyment, perks, money.

Unfortunately, he missed the point. My four hours of interviews and three glowing references should have been his indication of my level of interest. I mentioned the pay cut to EMPHASIZE that I was willing to make that sacrifice for this position (talk about noble). I waited a full 24 hours after my final interview for the job offer. It never came, so I took the other job. I'm glad I did too.

Word to the wise: It's just as important for a company to pitch you. You're more valuable than they are. Without employees, they're nothing and don't you forget it.

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