
Monday, August 13, 2007

Do nothing or do anything - it's not real!

One of my regular readers asked if I was hoarding entries, planning to release them in another batch of five. I'm failing my readers! I have no time to write and because I know there are more important things going on in the world than my silly little life, I resist writing updates on my car (it's fixed), the job (starts next week) and the love life (I received a postcard from the long-distance friend).

In fact, I went to the New York Times just now to prove that there was something more exciting going on than my life I FOUND IT! It has been predicted that there is at least a 20% chance that we are living in a computer simulation of an advanced post-human race. There's even a guide on how best to survive in a simulated world.

The theory is a possible explanation as to why there are dictatorial figures in the world whose selfish and insane actions serve only their needs. They are obviously the creators of the simulation acting out their own fantasies on simulated people (us). The scientist who produced the study claims that we will have computers who can simulate life at this level by mid-century and wonders, can we create a simulation within a simulation?

1 comment:

Drew said...

Descartes was right after all.