
Saturday, June 2, 2007

Too much potential

I'm sorry about the weak posts lately. I've got so many good ideas floating around, ten written on a notepad to write about, but I've really been thrown by this layoff. I'm having a hard time motivating myself to get another similar job even though I am running out of money and know I can't go on like this. I'm at a crossroads and now I have to quickly figure out my next move.

I've been out of work a full THREE WEEKS now. I interviewed for one job, met with a recruiter and have been contacted about some freelance work but nothing has materialized so far. I applied for some interesting jobs but they're long shots - moving into new territory. Everything points to the fact that it's time I start my own business.

An old boss of mine said once that I had too much potential. He was comparing me to himself; he said he envied people who could only do one thing. He used to work with Jim Carrey and he said that guy would have starved if he didn't make it. The only thing he could do was be funny. There was no plan B, no other interests, no diversions from the goal. People like that, he said, succeed because they have no choice. People like us, however, who are capable of so much, can get lost in possibility.

It's true that I am good at a lot of things. And I have recently come to realize that I don't have to do everything I am good at. I need to find out what I love to do, what makes me happy and then UTILIZE what I'm good at to do it. The recruiter I met this week said "at some point, people like you have to make their own job." If I don't, I will keep allowing other people to define what I should do.

So I'm going to try it. I'm working on a business plan this weekend for a marketing company with a friend of mine in a similar place. By putting it on this blog, I make it a reality. Wish me luck.


Ruthy Otero said...

You don't need luck. You have everything you need and then some. Your blog is great and seems to be leading you closer to what you love. I love your CD recommendations too. You go girrrrrrrrrrl! You rock.


constant drama said...

I don't get it, so being good with many things is actually hindering the process of you getting a new job? Or I'm getting this particular entry all wrong?

Coz either way, I'm screwed. I got nothing I'm good at. Oh other than BS-ing my way out of things. Oooo, should have taken law then....
Wow, I am screwed.

Anyways, I wish you luck for that marketing plan of yours. I really hope that things will go better for you from now on.