
Monday, June 18, 2007

Job-hunting is more difficult than work!

The work day is done and I only applied to one job! I have five more I was supposed to do today. These books say you have to customize each letter and resume to exactly the job description and the company. It's extremely time-consuming! Now I have go walk before it gets dark.

Here was my workday:
9am - Woke up (stayed up too late last night writing out an idea), did some research online about the non-profit idea that I have. Replied to some emails.
10am - Made breakfast, showered, dressed.
11am - Took notes about which jobs to apply to today.
Noon - Paid some bills. Went to get gas, check my mail (I finally got my unemployment check!) and buy water at the store.
1pm - Ordered Microsoft Word because the open source program just isn't cutting it for all these customized resumes (sorry Ben!) Also ordered The West Wing Season 5 (it was 50% off) and made a photo album online for my dad (for Father's Day.)
2pm - Made lunch and took a break.
2:30pm - Brainstormed ideas for the jobs' resumes and cover letters. Got depressed and drank a root beer for a little sugar high.
4pm - Sat down to work on applying for jobs.
6:40pm - Finally finished the resume and cover letter for ONE job and applied! I sure hope this gets easier.

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