
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who would do that?

On the way home from work tonight, I cracked open my brand new The Economist. I had no idea when I ordered it that it was a weekly magazine. It really is a depressing publication. Nearly every cover has some kind of war imagery. Whoever said that war is not about money, obviously doesn't know The Economist.

Only a few moments later, for I was still on the first page in "The world this week," I gasped. I had my headphones on so I'm not sure how loud it was but the man I was sitting next to turned to find out what had happened. I took off my headphones and read him this short paragraph:

Ecuadorian officials investigated the slaughter of 53 seal lions in the Galapagos Islands nature reserve. All had their heads bashed in. The motive is unknown.

"That IS worth a gasp," he said. Who would do that? And why? He remarked that sea lions are quite large and it couldn't have been easy, and that the Galapagos is far away from any mainland. I did a report on the Galapagos Giant Tortoise in Junior High. I've always wanted to go there, to Darwin's islands to see the magical animals that don't live anywhere else. I guess I should get going before they're gone!


Rob Lightner said...

What a punch in the gut. People are terrible. I sent it to Jill and Tom, who went to Ecuador and the Galapagos about a year and a half ago. They mostly had a great time, no sea lion murders as far as I know, but, well, check this out:

Jeepers. But here's her pictures, which may push you back into inspiration:

You should go!

nested said...

Ugh. Horrible. You know, The Economist used to be myfavorite magazine.... I got it in college and just love the fact that it is not so pro-US, like every other mass media product.....