
Saturday, September 8, 2007

Weird back bedrooms and hobbit abodes

Once again, I'm sorry for not keeping up with the posts! I really miss blogging but it's just not something I can do at the moment. I don't have my own space and am so easily distracted that just the sounds of other people can keep me from having enough concentration to write. Maybe it's just my writerly excuse but I find it very difficult to formulate original thoughts in the midst of other's activities. I do my best thinking while exercising, driving and showering and well, unless I can write immediately afterwards, the thoughts vanish and all that's left are a few mindless scribbles. This week, however, I've been clocking 12 hour days at the new job and haven't even had time to decipher my scrawl.

But this weekend, I finally found an apartment! And actually I only was looking for three weekends and with very little to choose from, am amazed I found something I like. It's not EXACTLY what I wanted. I would have liked to be in an upstairs apartment, I would have liked to have a garden and I would have liked a bay window, but apartment hunting in San Francisco is a process of determining which collection of compromises is more appealing that the others. I saw an adorable apartment that same day, but at the same price as mine in Santa Monica, it had probably a third of the space. It looked as if someone had shrunk the perfect apartment down to a size that would suit a hobbit. It had a tiny little kitchen with a tiny little refrigerator and a tiny little dishwasher. it was fantastic with bay windows in the main room and the bedroom but again, teeny tiny.

There were others with beautiful views but that sprawled all over the place and made no sense. One had the kitchen split in two - the refrigerator and stove in one room and the sink and cupboards in a dark little cave of it's own. In the back, the fourth room after the kitchen(s) was a "bedroom" that looked like somewhere you'd wake up after being kidnapped by terrorists, or worse, rapists. It was weirder than weird and yet, being SF, there was a woman there absolutely in love with it and selling herself via her credit report to the landlord.

Others have parking or a washer and dryer but are modern carpet boxes without any charm. It's very difficult, unless funds are no issue, to get that perfect apartment. But I found something very nice: well-maintained, charming, bright, spacious, clean and within my price range. It's a five-minute walk to where the company bus will fetch me, a half-block from the laundromat, a whole foods grocery and an array of coffee shops. Less than a mile in any direction are restaurants, shops, parks, and anything else I could need. And so begins my life in the city!

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