
Friday, May 30, 2008

The zero inbox

I got an email from a reader last week and I, naturally, Google'd her to see who she was and what she had online. She actually has a page with links to her entire online life and blogs on it, not really all that difficult to find but one of her posts changed my life. I now feel much less old in that "I can't even keep up with my email" kind of way. This is it: freedom from organization.

It's a very simple guide to manage your Gmail and keep it at ZERO new messages. For someone who has become used to over 80 new messages and keeps subscribing and then unsubscribing to alerts and newsletters and then completely misses messages from friends, I was overjoyed. It took me all of a half hour to make the changes she suggests and I'm a changed woman! I wondered, of course, if ten years ago I would have been the one figuring this out and telling other people. I seem to have thrown my hands up over technology lately and just let it overtake me but Martina reminds us that technology is here to SERVE not to RULE.


Marina Martin said...

So glad you're enjoying your new inbox, Angelique! I've been doing it this way for awhile and it hurts when I slack just a little -- I definitely don't miss the "old days" when everything dumped in my inbox everyday!

Rob Lightner said...

Hilariously (?), Paul emailed me the link to this before I had caught up with your blog today. I think adding him to my spam filter might be a better way of managing my inbox.

I kid because I love. Thanks for passing this on!